Homepage 'de Luikerwaal' French magic lantern slides.
Plaques verre française pour la lanterne magique.
part 2.
Le Postillon de Lonjumeau.
Five magic lantern slides with the story of the comic opera in three acts 'Le Postillon De Longjumeau', written in Paris in 1836 by Adolphe Adam after a libretto by Adolphe Leuven and Leon-Levy Brunswick.

Unfortunately, the first slide, number 1, is missing from this series.


Polichinelle originated in the seventeenth century from Pulcinella, which was brought to France by Italian comedians. Polichinelle's costume is multicoloured and French elegant. His head is decorated with a triangular stitch. He has a protruding chin and hooked nose, a high hump and a huge belly. Polichinelle was not only a comic figure on the stage - often in the company of Arlequin and Pierrot - he was also the main character of French puppet theatre.
The series consists of 12 elongated lantern slides, each with two scenes with accompanying text in French.
Les Fables de La fontaine
Dimensions: 23 x 6 cm.
1. Effigie de La Fontaine
2. Le loup et l'agneau - Le corbeau et Le renard
3. Le cheval et l'âne - Le chien qui lâche sa proie pour l'ombre
4. Le cerf et la vigne - Le lièvre et la tortue
5. Les deux coqs - Bertrand et Raton
6. Le lion et le rat - Le renard et la cigogne
1. Effigy of La Fontaine
2. The wolf and the lamb - The raven and the fox
3. The horse and the donkey - The dog that lets go of its prey for the shade
4. The deer and the vine - The hare and the tortoise
5. The two roosters - Bertrand and Raton
6. The lion and the rat - The fox and the stork

Mère Biquette
The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats
Set of 12 glass magic lantern slides with two illustrations per slide. Each image is provided with a text block containing part of the story. The dimensions of the slides are 21 x 5 cm.

Two sets of French magic lantern slides on Paul and Virginia.
The story of Paul and Virginia by Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, published in 1788, declined in 12 hand painted magic lantern slides. Each slide relates two paintings. Size: 21 x 5 cm.
1. Mme Latour et Marguerite; 2. Marie et Domingue
3. Eglise des Pamplemousses; 4. Pendant l’orage
5: Les nids d’oiseaux; 6. L’esclave qui s’est enfuie
7. Retour à la plantation; 8. Du feux naturel
9. Passage de la Rivière noire; 10. Il fit flairer leur vêtement
11. Dominge et fidèle; 12. Le retour à la maison
13. Monsieur de Labourdonnais apporte une lettre de Paris; 14. Le rocher des adieux
15. Les marchands arrivent en foule; 16. Dieux le vent
17. Départ de Virginie; 18. Il croyait la voir encore
19. Virginie reçue chez sa tante; 20. Paul s’instruit
21. Virginie écrit à sa famille; 22. Il vole au secours de Virginie
23. Naufrage de Virginie; 24. Le corps de Virginie retrouvé
1. Mrs. Latour and Marguerite; 2. Mary and Domingo
3. Pamplemousses Church; 4. During the storm
5. Bird's nests; 6. The Slave Who Got Away
7. Return to planting; 8. Natural fires
9. Passage of the Black River; 10. He smelled their clothes
11. Dominge and faithful; 12. The return home
13. Monsieur de Labourdonnais brings a letter from Paris; 14. The Farewell Rock
15. Merchants arrive in droves; 16. Gods the wind
17. Depart Virginia; 18. He thought he saw her again
19. Virginie received by her aunt; 20. Paul learns
21. Virginie writes to her family; 22. He flies to the aid of Virginie
23. Shipwreck of Virginia; 24. Virginie's body found
A second set of magic lantern slides on Paul en Virginie

A set of 10 slides, size 18 x 5 cm. Manufacturer unknown.

Petit Jacques
Little Jack
A set of 12 glass magic lantern slides with two illustrations per slide. Each image is provided with a text block containing part of the story. It is striking that on these slides the text blocks, and thus also the illustrations, are numbered from right to left, while they are usually numbered from left to right. The dimensions of the slides are 21 x 5 cm.
This set of magic lantern slides might have been made after Jules Claretie's book 'Le Petit Jacques'.

12 glass slides for the magic lantern with 24 comedic scenes, 2 scenes on each slide.
Size: approx. 20.2 x 4.8 cm.
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