Homepage 'de Luikerwaal' De 'Volksbond, Vereeniging tegen Drankmisbruik'
(Dutch Association against Drinking Abuse)
The 'Volksbond, Vereeniging tegen Drankmisbruik' (Association against Drinking Abuse) was founded in 1875 as the 'Multapatior's Bond ter bestrijding van bedwelmende dranken' (Multapatior's Bond to combat intoxicating drinks). In 1882 this inconvenient name was changed to 'Volksbond, Vereeniging tegen Drankmisbruik'. The aim was to combat alcoholism, which was caused by the bad social conditions, a goal that they wanted to achieve through the education and development of the people. Coffee houses, waiting and eating rooms where non-alcoholic drinks were available were set up. Attention was also given to physical activities and the stimulation of hobbies. Libraries were established and ...... lectures were given using the magic lantern ......

At that time, the use of the projection lantern with lantern slides was still the highest achievable when a lecture  had to be made more accessible to the common people. The general committee made a projection lantern available to the departments against payment of part of the costs. And there was always an amanuensis who had to operate that complicated device. In the room where the performance was to take place gas had to be present for the lighting. Slides could be included which concerned either 'the labor of the Volksbond' or subjects other than the fight against alcohol abuse. The latter were subjects in the field of history and geography, art and literature and curiosities and facts of all kinds, for both children and adults. An explanatory text, suitable for reading, was provided free of charge upon request.

A warning preceded the loan: 'In general, warnings should be given equally against underestimation as against overestimation of the value of a display of light images. Where that display takes place without any explanation, as the whole thing on a program, it must end in disaster. While the plates are pleasantly explained and clarified and the performance is only part of the program, it can contribute very much to the success of the evening'. Surely all modern-day lanternists can fully agree with this warning.

There was a long list of speakers willing to narrate the light images, such as F.H. Boogaard, p. Colonel of the Art., who accompanied the statement with a restriction: "Is available only for places from where The Hague can be reached the same evening." On the other hand, he is 'willing to act unexpectedly, for example in the absence of a speaker.'
Another speaker, Mr. F.W. Drijver compiled a 'small booklet', as he himself calls it in the introduction, in 1909, which could be used as a manual in explaining the light images and also as a means to draw attention to the efforts and work of the Volksbond against the great public enemy. The content consists of stories that could be told with the 51 available pictures. They were 'documentary pictures', such as about the Stuiver-Spaarbank, the Volkskoffiehuis inside and out, the Binnenhuis (untidy and tidy) and the Household School.

The Stichting Volksbond Amsterdam (Foundation) was established in 1987 as (name) successor of the old Volksbond. It works for the homeless and people who are particularly vulnerable and focuses - together with other organizations - on combating the use of drugs.

The stories in the 'small booklet' by F.W. Drijver had a great effect, but he achieved real national and proverbial fame thanks to his story 'Ach Vader, Niet Meer!' (Ah, Father, no more!) of which 30,000 copies were sold within one year. The image was drawn by Joh. Braakensiek.

You will find a lot of magic lantern slides on the item 'Father, dear father, come home with me now...!'

Also read 'Bad habbits'.
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