Homepage 'de Luikerwaal' Racial images on magic lantern slides.
part 5.

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This item includes words or images that may be racially or otherwise offensive. They are included here as historical reproductions from a different period with different standards, and do not indicate any support or approval of such ideas and statements by the webmaster/author of this site.
They show the role that non-western figures often played in magic lantern stories and the way they were depicted on the slides.
A pair of cartoons on 'A mule train on an up grade' and 'A mule train on a down grade'.  Published by S. Lubin, 21 South Eighth St. Phila. Size 8.2 x 8.2 cm.


Magic lantern slide that shows a black man kissing the hand of President Abraham Lincoln. The edge of the wooden frame shows this once was part of a slide series from the Patriotic Order of Americans POA. The slide measures about 7 x 4 inches (ca 18 x 10 cm).


A magic lantern slide from the Economic Series of T.H. McAllister, New York, titled "Christmas In Blackburg."

On the back of the slide are two labels with the text "T.H. McAllister, Manufacturing Optician, 49 Nassau Street, N. Y." and "Christmas in Blackburg." The dimensions of the slide are approximately 4 "x 3-1 / 4", 8.2 x 10 cm.
Two more associated magic lantern slides from the McAllister Economic Series, entitled "Darktown Lodge."

Both slides are labelled on the back "T.H. McAllister, Manufacturing Optician, 49 Nassau Street, N. Y." and "a. Darktown Lodge - Grand Boss Charging Candidate" (the first slide) and "b. Darktown Lodge - Candidate Charging the Grand Boss" (the second slide) and below that the text "By permission Currier & Ives, Copyright".
Four more slides from this set of T.H. MsAllister, this time in the black and white version. The action of the Darktown Fire Brigade and the initiation ceremonies of the Darktown Lodge.

An oblong magic lantern slide made by Johann Falk, Nuremberg, Germany. From a set of 12 slides.

Bucking Mule.
Not sure of the title. A set of (probably) four magic lantern slides measuring 8,2 x 8,2 cm.
Titel onbekend. 2. Ah, would you?
3. You have not got me yet!
4. Think I had bad time!

Come, Where My Love Lies Dreaming.

The slide is from the McAllister Economic Series and is labelled, "T. H. McAllister, Manufacturing Optician, 49 Nassau Street, N. Y." and "Come, Where My Love Lies Dreaming".

Slide measures approx. 10 x 8 cm and is mounted in a wood frame that measures 18 x 10 cm.

If dese am yourn, Boss, You can have 'em

This slide is also from the McAllister Economic Series and is labelled, "T. H. McAllister, Manufacturing Optician, 49 Nassau Street, N. Y." and "If dese am yourn, Boss, You can have 'em." (so not "hab um").

Slide measures approx. 10 x 8 cm and is mounted in a wood frame that measures 18 x 10 cm.


Single slipping slide with a caricatural black man who holds a fiery speech and underlines this with furious movements of his umbrella.
Dimensions approx. 10 x 18 cm. No manufacturer known.
King Crab and the Nigs: a Papuan adventure.

Maker unknown, 4 slides, c. 1893.

Standard glass slides measuring 83 mm square.

1. Sighting a Prize.
2. A Forlorn Hope.
3. Getting a Bite.
4. Now we're happy.


A slide from the set 'The Flag of England' made by York & Son. Slide # 5 is titled 'The galling chain of slavery'. The slide is approximately 8.2cm X 8.2cm or in inches 3.23" X 3.23"

Warren’s Blacking was a leading manufacturer of shoe-black (shoe-polish) in the 19th century. Available as a liquid in bottles or as a paste in pots, the blacking was sold in every Town in the Kingdom. Notable: Charles Dickens worked at Warren's Blacking Factory when he was 12 years old. His job was to paste labels onto the blacking pots.
The Dog and the Well

A set of seven black and white magic lantern slides made by  Riley Brothers, England, ca 1890.

A long magic lantern slide with natives eagerly throwing themselves upon the explorer's trunk of clothing.
Size: about 22 x 7 cm.
And another long slide; the maker is unknown.
Natives have fun.

Square magic lantern slide 8.2 x 8.2 cm showing how the king takes his Saturday bath.
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