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A complete magic lantern outfit. |
A Carette magic lantern with slides in a cardboard box. | ||
The larger, and more expensive lanterns were packed in a solid cardboard box or wooden chest, together with a series of twelve glass lantern slides, a simple chromatrope and a comic movable slide. The slides used in these lanterns were substantially wider (6 - 10 cm). Of course the quality of the projection of those lanterns was much better in comparison with the small ones. Mostly the outside of the wooden chest was covered with marbled paper, the inside with paper in a plain colour. Usually the directions for operating were glued on the inside of the lid of the box. Since the lanterns were often exported, the instructions were available in three languages: German, French and English. |
Marque de Fabrique. ![]() Fabrik-Marke. Gebrauchsanweisung für die verbesserte Laterna magica. |
Um die Bilder leicht und deutlich vorzuführen, stelle
man die Laterne auf einen feststehenden Tisch in circa 1-2 Meter
Entfernung von einer glatt gespannten, volkommen weissen Wand. Nachdem man
die optischen Gläser gehorig gereinigt und die hohlspiegelartige Blende
von etwaigem Schmutze befreit hat, zünde man die mit Petroleum gefühlte
Manière de se servir de la lanterne magique perfectennée. Pour obtenir facilement la représentation eclair et distincte des images, ilfaut avoir soin de placer la lanterne sur une table solidement fixée, à environ 1 à 2 mètres d'une toile parfaitement blanche et bien tendue. Après avoir soigneusement nettoyé les verres d'obtique et enlevé des réflecteurs concaves la poussière qui pourrait s'y être attachée on allume la lampe pétrole qu'on laisse brûler avec une flamme assez forte, en se gardant toutefois de la laisser fumer. On met ensuite la lampe à sa place, en ayant soin de tourner la clef du bec de côte après quoi on introduit à l'envers les verres peints dans la lanterne. Cela fait, on règle le cylindre de devant des lentilles jusqu'à ce que les images se dessinent clairement sur la toile. Pour obtenir un effet vraiment surprenant, il faut que l'obscurité soit aussi complète que possible dans la chambre ou a lieu la représentation. Outre les verres contenus dans cette laterne on peut avoir encore 3 à 6 séries. Directions for using. The new magic lantern which distinguishes itself from all others on account of its clearness, is to be managed in the following manner. In order to produce the pictures perfectly clear and distinctly, the magic lantern is to be placed upon a stead table at about 1-2 yards distance from a wall or sheet perfectly white and even. After having carefully cleaned the optical glasses and removed any dust from the metallic mirror the oil lamp may be put in its place in a way that the handle of it is on one side. To get the picture quite clear it is necessary to have a pretty large flame. This done, the slides are slid upside down into the lantern. The optical glasses will afterwards be set into the right focus by slowly drawing asunder the tubes. To yield the most surprising effect, the room in which the performance will take place, must be entirely dark. Besides the slides contained in this lantern there are 3-6 special beautiful series. |
The lids of
the boxes and chests were nearly always supplied with a colourful label.
In most cases it showed a happy family attending a magic lantern
show. The label on this wooden box betrays the trade mark of the manufacturer, G.C. & Co. (at the bottom edge of the screen) and the type of the lantern (the stamped number). The /1 indicates the size of the lantern; in this case it's the smallest versions of this model. The same label has also been used for other models of Carette's. |
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![]() Many bodies of lanterns of this kind were made of 'Russian iron'. The tin plate was heated and provided with a thin layer of oxide. This treatment gave the metal a bluish colour and made it rather resistant to rust. Other lanterns were made of 'Japanned metal': tin plate protected by a hard black varnish, originally from Japan.
Data: Manufacturer: Georg Carette & Co.,
Nürnberg, Germany. |
Carette Most manufacturers of this sort of
magic lanterns took up their residence in the toy-town Nürnberg, in the
Land of Bavaria in southern Germany.
Also the French photographer Georg Carette founded here his business in
1886 with the financial help of a hop merchant. He got a world wide
reputation by his presence at the Columbia World Fair, 1893 in Chicago.
Besides the magic lanterns, he produced as one of the first electrical
toy trains. Since Carette had never resigned his French citizenship, he had
to leave Germany at the outbreak of World War One. |
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![]() The twelve glass lantern slides belonging to this outfit are of high quality. They show us rustic scenes, the life of Eskimo's, dogs, farm work and hunting parties. The dimensions are: 22 x 7 cm. They don't carry a trade mark or serial number but it's quite likely that they were produced by Carette.
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'de Luikerwaal' All rights reserved. Last update: 12-11-2023. |
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