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7.  Square magic lantern slide 3.75"  sold by W. C. Hughes, 82, Mortimer Road, London.
Nice motto slide made by W.C. Hughes, London. There is a German saying on the border of the dish: 'Stehlen ist ein Laster', stealing is a vice, and some more German words that are hard to read. Just Beautiful....


6. American motto slide made by


Announcement of an intermission. The slide is marked 'Fulco' and is probably made in the Netherlands.
Size: 3 1/4 x 4 inch, 8 x 10 cm.



5. Signed "Novelty Slides, Inc., 209 West 48th St., New York."

8. Signed "Millikin & Lawley, 165 Strand London."

  Slide show closing slide. Manufacturer McIntosh, Chicago. Size 4"x 7", 10 x 18 cm.

3. Wright & Co., 324, Stanley Rd. Bootle. Set 'Mottoes' # 34.


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