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1. Here we are again!  Labels with texts 'K', 'Motto Slide', 'G.F. Basset Kerry (? the owner?), and 'Milliken & Lawley, 165, Strand, London (the retailer)'.

3.  Goodnight slide made by Consolidated Advertising Corp., Detroit Michican. Slide is 3.25" x 4".


7. No Smoking slide.

This is an announcement lantern slide for Prof. Wrinklescreen and his Magic Lantern Exhibition. It is labelled around the edge of the frame "Old Time 1. 1948 Magic Lantern Co. Curtain Raiser. Pana-Vue Slide..."  This 2" x 2" film slide is a 1948 copy of a pre 1900 magic lantern slide.

Notice the view of a magic lantern of around 1850. The two tubes on the side of the lantern were connected to hydrogen and oxygen gases, each stored in wedge-shaped rubberized bags with a stopcock on the narrow end and weighted planks on top of the bags to produce pressure. These burned the lime cylinder that was the light source for the lantern. Very dangerous if not done properly!
1. Punch (from Punch and Judy). I've got my eye on you all.

7. Kindly remain seated.


God bless our Sunday School. In one corner the label of the retailer. Compliments of the Season. In one corner the name of the manufacturer, WAW, trademark of William Winter, England.

Two oblong magic lantern slides each containing four motto slides.


3. A little girl in nightgown with cap, carrying a candle. The slide says Good Night. Measures 3 1/4 x 4 inches (c. 8 x 10 cm). Made by Underwood and Underwood, New York City.

A good night motto slide and an advertising slide from The Quaker City Lantern Slide Co. at the same time. The note at the wall reads: 'Don't blow out the gas', but the absent-minded hotel guest ignores the warning message. Will he ever wake up?


GOOD NIGHT with boats and lighthouse.

9. Last slide from a large set "The Willow Pattern Plate."  This is the first slide:

The other slides show wall plates to promote sales of Minton's Willow pattern which is a distinctive and elaborate chinoiserie pattern used on ceramic housewares.

Wooden framed single slipping magic lantern slide.

The slide measures 5¼ inches x 2½ inches approx (c. 13 x 6,5 cm).


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