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Dual lens alternating image projectors.
part 1.  
Alternating image projectors arrived in France in the early 1930s by exploiting the Spanish NIC license for the construction of the French NIC followed shortly thereafter by NIC 2. In 1950, Ciné Egda whose production had been taken over by the Sélic company produces the Ciné Sélic MM, then the Ciné Selic 3 and a heavy metal version the Midi Ciné in 1953.
Ciné Selic model 3.

Bakelite body, two objectives for film projection with two rows of images, film holder for 35 mm film, spring motor; location for an electric battery; two small electric bulbs.
The Ciné Selic 3 was delivered in two colours, red-brown and green.

Length: 13 cm, width: 7.5 cm, height: 8.5 cm.
Objective 1 cm in diameter, x 2.

Egda Cinema
Marseille, 44 rue Saint-Sébastien.
These photos show clearly how the projection of the images takes place by means of a rotating sliding contact by which in turn one small bulb is switched on while the other one turns off. This sliding contact is driven by a spring motor, which also ensures film transport.
Instruction manual.

The Sélic 3 instruction manual deals with the commercial approach and how the product was offered to the public:
Ciné "Sélic"

Le Ciné "SELIC" Breveté permet à chaque enfant de donner chez lui de belles représentations cinématographiques à peu de frais.
En effet, il projette des films de 25 cm. de long qui donnent des projections d'une durée de 5 minutes. Une durée de projection semblable ne peut être obtenue avec un autre Cinéma que le "SELIC" qu'avec des films ayant 40 mètres de long et dont le prix équivaut à celui de 20 films "SELIC" environ.
Les films, très variés, montrent des aventures gaies, des contes de fée, des films instructifs et de nombreuses projections toujours intéressantes.
Ils peuvent être projetés sans le secours d'un écran, sur une porte blanche, sur le plafond et même sur un drap de lit, à la distance d'un mètre.

Le Ciné "SELIC" est d'une construction ingénieuse. Le boîtier est en matière moulée de belle présentation, d'une forme moderne et d'un fabrication extrêmement soignée.
Le Ciné "SELIC" est un des rares jouets pouvant être utilisés par un enfant malade, car celui-ci peut projeter sans danger des films "SELIC" dans son lit, étant donné que le courant électrique est fourni par une pile identique à celle employée pour la lampe de poche.

Les films "SELIC" sont des films ininflammables, leur emploi est absolument sans danger.
En cas de panne pour une cause indétreminée, il est conseillé d'expédier, par l'intermédiaire d'un dépositaire, le Ciné "SELIC" à la fabrique, où le nécessaire sera fait rapidement.
Le Ciné "SELIC" est en vente dans tous les grands magasins, bazars et commerces de jouets, photographes, etc...
Ciné "Sélic"

The "SELIC" patented cinema allows each child to give at home beautiful cinematographic performances at low cost.
Indeed, it projects 25 cm films.long which give projections of a duration of 5 minutes. A similar projection time can only be achieved with another cinema than the "SELIC" with films that are 40 meters long and whose price is equivalent to about 20 "SELIC" films.
The films, very varied, show gay adventures, fairy tales, informative films and many always interesting projections.
They can be projected without the help of a screen, on a white door, on the ceiling and even on a bed sheet, at a distance of one meter.

The cinema "SELIC" is of an ingenious construction. The case is made of molded material with a beautiful presentation, a modern form and an extremely neat workmanship.

The "SELIC" Cine is one of the few toys that can be used by a sick child, because it can safely cast "SELIC" films in its bed, since the electric current is provided by a battery identical to the one used for the flashlight.

"SELIC" films are non-flammable films, their use is absolutely safe.
In case of failure for an indetrined cause, it is advisable to send, through a depository, the Cine "SELIC" to the factory, where the necessary will be done quickly.

The "SELIC" cinema is on sale in all department stores, bazaars and toy shops, photographers, etc ...
Filmstrip 'Les Moulins de Don Quichotte' (Don Qichotte and the Mills).
The animation principle is simple but clever: the film has two superimposed series of images
and, while the film is moving, the projector alternately displays an image of each series, creating an illusion of movement in chained sequences.
The result was satisfactory, the stories were well built to exploit at best the alternating images and slow scrolling movement of the film.

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Dux Kino model 3.

First page of the DUX-instructions.

The DUX Kino, model 3 has been  made by the Dux Fabrik Markes & Co K.G. Lüdenscheid / Westfalen in Germany and looks exactly like the Ciné Sélic, with the exception of the trademark on top of the projector. The pictures above show that the battery could be replaced by a 220V mains adapter.

Dux Kino model 40 - 44.
Although the Dux Kino models hardly differ from the Ciné Selic in appearance, there are major differences internally. The most striking difference is that with the Dux the lenses are not alternately switched on and off by means of a sliding contact but are alternately shielded by an up and down moving shutter, moved by a rotating eccentric driven by the spring motor (model 44) or a still simpler rotary shutter (model 41).

Film transport and shutter movement are done by the spring motor; both lamps light on a flat 4.5 volt battery or with a transformer on the mains. There are two different transformers. One can be connected by means of a small plug; the other is connected with a fake battery that can be placed in the place of the real battery (see instructions for use below).
The Model 44 was sold separately, but also in a gift box, complete with a number of film strips, a manual, a spare bulb with socket and some other accessories. A white 'projection screen' is fitted on the inside of the lid. The distance to this screen had to be exactly 1 meter because the lenses have a fixed focus.
Instructions for use of the Dux Kino. Click on one of the images above for a larger image.

Baby Movie.

The Baby Movie projector is also very similar to the small projectors above, but is obviously less well finished. Rougher and sloppier and the material is probably plastic instead of bakelite. The projector itself is unbranded.

NIC Cine Projector Model 500.
This vintage tin toy cine projector is made by NIC Projector Corp, New York. It is sometimes referred to as a "kinescope" and has a patent date of 1929.
There is a crank on the right side of the projector connected to a geared-lever mechanism, that operates the shutter, pulls the film through then rolls it up. There are two lenses, the shutter moves up and down covering one lens at a time as the film advances. The back comes off to change the light bulb. This metal projector measures approx. 9 x 15 x 8 inches (23 x 38 x 20 cm).
The films are on a rice type paper with the images printed on them. They all have the NIC Trade Mark and are especially made for this projector.

This Kinescope could be expanded with a gramophone. The device on the photo on the left is incomplete. Above the tone arm for this projector.

Two other models made by NIC.

This NIC projector works with a standard 220 V light bulb. It uses the same paper rolls as the other NIC models. Here, too, the illusion of movement is achieved by alternately projecting two images. The projector is made of tin and was available in various colours, like green and blue. Made by the Nic Projector Corp. N.Y.C., USA in the 50s.
21 cm tall and 28 cm long.
NIC Movie-Jector Projector with a grain painted tin body.
When the handle is rotated the upper lens or the lower lens is alternately closed by a shutter. This continues as long as the handle is turned.
The Movie-Jector could be expanded with a hand-cranked record player that was placed on top of the basic model. The Talkie-Jector could play small gramophone records with music and spoken word to accompany the projected images. The pictures were 7" in diameter and had brightly coloured images.

The quality of the gramophone record is quite good when played on a conventional gramophone. Unfortunately, the turntable attached to the Talkie-Jector is extremely spotty in speed and minimal in reliability, with the horn being far too short to produce decent volume or acceptable bass response. The result is that speech is barely intelligible, while the musical background is completely overshadowed by the disturbing sounds.

According to advertisements, the composer of the music on these recordings is none other than Irving Berlin. You might wonder how a composer of this stature could get involved in such a rather clumsy project?

The Ciné Mickey works with the same paper films as the NIC projectors.
More about this small projector at 'Battery powered magic lanterns'.


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