Homepage 'de Luikerwaal' Vintage Books on the Magic Lantern
part 3
Rathschläge für eine Abendunterhaltung, dargestelt durch die Neue Laterna Magica Climax. (Hints for an evening show using the new Climax magic lantern). Handbook for the Climax magic lantern made by the German manufacturer Ernst Plank, circa 1898. 16 pages with manual and readings for the slide discs Rothkäppchen, Geologie, Völkerkunde, Der gestiefelte Kater, Biographie berühmter Männer, Robinson Crusoe. Added four pages with readings for  Des Elefanten Rache + Die bösen Buben von Korinth, John Gilpin, Jakob der Riesentöter, Richard (Dick) Whittington. Size: 13 x 20 cm.


Workshop Receipts Fifth Series. Published in 1885 by E. & F.N. Spon, London. 8" x 5" (20.3 x 12.7 cm) cloth hardcover decorated with black and gilt. Several text illustrations, with advertisements at the back. 440 pages.
Spon's Workshop Receipts Fifth Series is an eclectic collection of 19th-century chemical formulations, recipes and processes for commercial, industrial, scientific and domestic use. It is part of a series of books produced by the firm of E. & F.N. Spons of London. Though this book is more than 125 years old, the information it contains will no doubt prove quite valuable to among others magic lantern collectors, artisans, mechanics, photographers, bookbinders, makers of musical instruments, boat builders, embalmers and distillers.

The magic lantern section Recipes and Receipts include:
The Lanterns: Cheap Lantern for Gelatine Plates - Reflecting Lantern - Wonder Camera - Portable Lantern - Pentaplane Lamp - Carrier for Slides - Biunial Lantern. Slides: Printing Frame - Size, Shape and Mounting - Making a good Lantern Picture - Wet Process - Negatives - Dry Plates - Carbon Process - Albumen Process - By Contact Printing - Colouring - Getting Perfect Gradation of Tone - Slide Painting - Preparing Photographic Transparencies for Coloring - Best class of colour for transparency printing - Selecting Glass for Slides - Brushers and Dabbers - Mounting painted slide in frame.

Nouvelles récréations physiques et mathématiques: contenant ce qui a été imaginé de plus curieux dans ce genre et qui se découvre journellement ; auxquelles on a joint les causes, leurs effets, la manière de les construire, et l'amusement qu'on en peut tirer pour étonner et surprendre agréablement. Main author: M. Guyot.
Publisher: A Paris : A la Librairie, Rue S. André-des-Arcs, no. 46, An VII [1799].
Size: ~ 7.75" X 5" (19.5 cm x 13 cm).


Practical hints to unpractised lecturers by A.A. Wood. Third edition 1885.
German book entitled 'DIE DREI FROHEN GESELLEN MIT DER LATERNA MAGICA' by Theo Rausch. Illustrated by Hans Füsser. Köln, DuMont-Schauberg, First edition, 1935. Hardcover, 63 pages.
Though the title and the illustration on the cover of the book suggest that this is a children's book it definitely is not.
The "Drei frohen Gesellen" are the radio humorists Rudi Rauher, Hans Salcher, Karl Wilhelmi and the little Hermännche. The book contains some comical scenes from their weekly radio shows. "Es ist keine Witzsammlung sondern eine Sammlung von dem, was wir jeden Samstag im Radioapparat hörten von dem was in der Welt geschah" (foreword). The broadcast and book concurred very well with the ideas of the National Socialism and were therefore propagated by Goebels as part of the Volksgemeinschaft.
The last page in the book shows the three gentlemen walking off stage with their magic lantern.

See also:

Magic Lantern Catalogues
Lantern slides and how to make them (books)
Children's Books
The Great Theatre of Folly
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