Homepage 'de Luikerwaal' War Scenes
depicted on magic lantern slides.
part 4 - Miscellaneous.
Four coloured glass magic lantern slides showing scenes from famous American battles. Size:  3.25" x 4".
1.   Battle of Cowpens. 2.   Battle of Bunker's Hill, 1775
3.   Battle of Lexington. 4.   Battle of New Orleans.
Bill Adams
won the

A nice set of 13 magic lantern slides made by an unknown manufacturer.
Bill Adams was created by American bank clerk, opera singer and entertainer George Harry Snazelle (1848-1912). The character Bill Adams was based on an old soldier he met in a pub. He polished up Bill's erratic memories and presented them with hand-painted magic lantern slides. Bill can be considered as the grandfather of Tommy Atkins who was a synonym for the common British soldiers (Tommies) during WW1.
The bizarre story of Bill Adams has also appeared on slides in another version. Below three slides from this set, probably made by Joseph Levi & Co.

Jessie's dream: or the relief of Lucknow
Twelve magic lantern slides from Theobald & Co., ca 1900.
The siege of Lucknow was the prolonged defence of the British Residency within the city of Lucknow from rebel sepoys (Indian soldiers in the British East India Company's Army) during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. After two successive relief attempts had reached the city, the defenders and civilians were evacuated from the Residency.

The Soldier's Dream
A beautiful set of effect slides. The complete set consists of 6 square magic lantern slides, 8 x 8 cm. Displaying this set required at least two magic lanterns, or a biunial (a double magic lantern). One lantern projected the picture with the soldier, the second the other pictures in order. The lanterns had to be adjusted in such a way that together they projected one image on the screen. When three lanterns were used, the scenes could also dissolve into each other.
On the first slide we see how the soldier is sleeping after a battle and sinks into a deep dream.
The other slides depict scenes from this dream. He dreams about his return home.
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