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Magic lantern slides after the famous stories of
Charles Dickens
1. A Christmas Carol
2. Marley's Ghost
3. Gabriel Grub
4. Gretna Green / The Old Curiosity Shop / Cricket on the Hearth
5. Bob Sawyer's Party / The Parish Clerk (A Tale of True Love) / Scenes from 'Pickwick" / The death of Paul Dombey / Horatio Sparkins
6. Shooting experiences / Skating experiences / Little Em'ly
7. Dotheboys Hall / The Eatanswill Election / Bumble's Courtship / Dickens' character sketches

Go to: part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10

Dotheboys Hall, from Nicolas Nickelby

Nicholas Nickleby or The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby  is Dickens' third novel, originally published as a serial from 1838 to 1839. The story centres on the life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, a young man who must support his mother and sister after his father death.
Nicholas’s unpleasant, hateful Uncle Ralph finds Nicholas a low-paying job as an assistant to Wackford Squeers, who works as the schoolmaster at Dotheboys Hall in Yorkshire. Nicholas learns that Squeers takes unwanted children into his school and forces them to live under terrible conditions, pocketing most of the money their parents send for their upkeep. The lessons Squeers teaches are terrible, too, revealing his own lack of education.
1. 'This is twopenn'orth of Milk, is it Waiter?' 2. 'Number one may take a Drink' 3. 'Now, Nickleby, come tumble up, will you?'
4. 'There, this is our Shop, Nickleby!' 5. 'Here, you Smike, take away now, look sharp!' 6. Mr Squeers called up the first class
7. 'Mrs Squeers, my dear, will you take the money?' 8. He encountered the upturned face of Smike 9. Squeers caught the Boy firmly in his grip
10. 'Wretch! touch him at your peril' 11. Nicholas beat the Ruffian till he roared for mercy 12. 'Will you shake hands?'

The Eatanswill Election
A set of 6 magic lantern slides made by York & Son, England.
The story is from Dickens' 'Pickwick Papers' and is set in a fictional constituency where riotous parliamentary elections take place. The name Eatanswill is derived from the words 'eat' and 'swill' (eat and drink). The candidates are Mr. Fizkin and Samuel Slumkey.
1. 'Slumkey for ever!' echoed Mr Pickwick, taking off his hat 2. 'Well, Sam,' said Mr Pickwick
3. His coach was upset at that 'ere wery spot 4. There was a grand band of trumpets, bassoons and drums
5. Six children in arms that you're to pat on the head 6. 'Whiffin proclaims silence'

Bumble's Courtship

A set of 12 magic lantern slides made by York & Son, England. Mr Bumble is a fictional character in the novel Oliver Twist (1838) by Charles Dickens.
Bumble is the cruel, pompous beadle of the workhouse where the orphaned Oliver grows up. He succeeds in seducing the wealthy matron of the poorhouse, Mrs. Corney, a tyrannical woman who dominates him completely, into marrying him. It doesn't bring him luck. The Bumbles become paupers in the same workhouse where they once inflicted so much damage and misfortune.
1. If ever a beadle looked tender, Mr Bumble was so at that moment 2. Mr Bumble wiped his lips, and deliberately kissed the matron 3. Inexplicable conduct of Bumble when left alone
4. Bumble taking a cursory glance at Mrs Corney's chest of drawers 5. 'Oh, Mr Bumble, I have been so dreadfully put out!' 6. Mr Bumble imprinted a passionate kiss upon her chaste nose
7. Mr Bumble sat in the workhouse parlour 8. 'Cheap!' cried a shrill voice in Mr Bumble's ear 9. Mrs Bumble dropped into a chair, and fell into a paroxysm of tears
10. Mrs Bumble defied him to talk about his prerogative 11. Mrs Bumble caught up a bowl of soapsuds, and ordered him to depart 12. Mr Bumble boxed the ears of a boy, and walked into the street
Dickens' character sketches

Several sets of magic lantern slides depicting Dickens' characters have been published and it is difficult to determine to which set the slides below belong.
Quite a few of these slides are labelled 'J Cooper Sands' or with the initials 'J.C.S.'. This J.C. Sands was one who gave several lectures on Dickens and was the author of a dramatized version of the 'Pickwick Papers', 'The Pickwickians', a three-act play with clues as to the setting of the stage, etc. He could have used these slides for this purpose. A copy of the book is kept in the university library in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
Mr Pickwick enjoying cold punch Alfred Jingle Bill Sikes
Captain Cuttle Codlin The Game Chicken
The fat boy Job Trotter Major Bagstock
Mark Tapley Mr Micawber Dick Swiveller & the Marchioness
Sam Weller Sarah Gamp Tony Weller
Bob Sawyer Mr Micawber & David Mrs Jarley

Magic lantern slide depicting Charles Dickens in his study at Gadshill.

The slide has a triangular label with the name of the manufacturer, E. G. (Edward George) Wood in a corner, and was made around 1890. The dimensions are 8.2 x 8.2 cm.
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