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part 7.
A rather extensive collection of wonderful magic lantern slide sets

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A tour in the North
A large set of 28 magic lantern slides with, in all probability, images from the poem by Evan MacColl, "Extracts from Notes of a Tour in the North of Scotland in 1838-39." that appeared in the Celtic Magazine. Slides measure 3.25 inches (8.2 cm) square.
Unfortunately slide #15 is missing.
The customs officer and poet Evan MacColl was born on September 21, 1808 in Kenmore, Scotland, as the son of Dugald MacColl and Mary Cameron, and was buried in Kingston in 1898.

In 1831 the MacColls immigrated to British North America, but Evan stayed behind. Five years later he published "The mountain minstrel", poems and songs in English and Gaelic at his own expense.

The following year MacColl was appointed as customs officer in Liverpool. In 1850, after a period of poor health, he obtained a six-month leave to visit his family in Canada.

MacColls often wrote about the Scottish landscape, about love and about political events. The Celtic Magazine, 6 (1880-81) published a series of articles on MacColl that was concluded with the publication of a part of the diary of the poet as "Extracts from notes of a tour in the north of Scotland in 1838-39". Probably the images on the slides are taken from this article.
Don Quixote

A set of twelve magic lantern slides after the novel 'The ingenious nobleman Don Quixote of La Mancha', written by Cervantes. This novel consists of two parts: the first was published in 1605, the second in 1615.
The novel tells the comical travel adventures of an old nobleman who thinks he is an errant knight. This protagonist, Don Quixote, is the stereotype of the idealist, a foolish hero who, with his good intentions but impractical deeds, makes himself quite ridiculous.
The lantern slides are 8.2 x 8.2 cm in size and are made by Theobald & Co., England.

Don Quichotte

A set of 24 black and white magic lantern slides produced by the German manufacturer Unger & Hoffmann A.G.
From 1900 until 1928 the German manufacturer Unger & Hoffmann A.G. from Dresden produced fifty-six sets of photographic lantern slides called 'Projektion für Alle'. The subjects are much divided. The boxes are made of cardboard, covered with marbled paper; the dimensions are 24 x 9 x 9 cm. Every box contains 24 slides from 8.3 x 8.3 cm (3 1/4" x 3 1/4") in black and white, neither protected by a cover glass nor a paper strip round the edges.
All slides have the serial number, the slide number, and the slide title in three languages at the edges.

Don Quichotte
The now familiar history on six hand-painted magic lantern slides made by a French manufacturer, in all probability Lapierre or Aubert.

The slides always show two scenes, numbered from 1 - 24; the dimensions are about 6 x 20 cm.

Finally, a single long lantern slide on which Don Quixot fights against the windmills.

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