Homepage 'de Luikerwaal' A rather extensive collection of magic lantern slide sets depicting famous fairy tales

Part 7. Beauty and the Beast - The Children in the Wood - The little Meermaid - Hansel and Gretel

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The Beauty and the Beast

A set of twelve magic lantern slides made by Theobald & Co., England.
1.  There lived a merchant who had three daughters. 2.  He had to travel through a dark gloomy forest. 3.  Then before him he saw a magnificent palace.
4.  The merchant found food and wine. 5.  He wandered amongst the shrubs and flowers. 6.  She went to the palace.
7.  The bear was greatly smitten. 8.  At last she quite pitied him. 9.  News came that her father was seriously ill.
10.  In a few days her father got better. 11.  She found that the bear was indeed very ill. 12  In his place appeared a lovely Prince.
The Children in the Wood

A set of twelve magic lantern slides made by Theobald & Co., England.

An uncle plots to kill his orphaned niece and nephew in order to steal the money left to them by their parents.

The Children in the Wood

This beautiful series was made by York & Son. The series consists of eight slides. Two of them are missing below, the slides #2 (The Children's Father forgives the Poacher) and #5 (One Ruffian tries to kill the other and get all the money).
1. Leaving the Children to the care of their Uncle. 3. The Children do not love their false Uncle. 4. The Uncle hires two Ruffians to lose the Children in the Woods.
6. The Poacher that was forgiven promises to take them home, and goes to fetch food. 7. The Children lose themselves. 8. The Children fall asleep and are covered with leaves by the Robins.

Three slides from a magnificent series from eight slides,
The Children in the Wood
made by Newton & Co., England in their Economic Series.
4. The Ruffians take the Children into the Woods.   -   Front and back of the slide.
6. The Children left to Die in the Woods. 7. The surviving Ruffian arrested in the Woods.
Finally a special version of the 'Babes in the Wood' in a marvellous effect set. Glass slides mounted in a wooden frame.
The two little children lose their way in the wood. At nightfall they find a place to sleep, close together to protect each other against the dreadful cold. When they are asleep suddenly an angel appears. It is sent by their dead mother from heaven. The angel covers the children tenderly up with a blanket.
The Little Mermaid
De kleine Zeemeermin.
Beautiful set of 10 hand painted magic lantern slides after Hans Christian Andersen's famous fairy tale. The Dutch title is handwritten on the slides. The artist is unknown. The slides were probably made in the Netherlands around 1925. A label below the images indicates that they were distributed by the Dutch company D. Van Kreveld in Amsterdam.

The dimensions are 8.2 x 8.2 cm (3.25 x 3.25 inches).
Hansel and Gretel
Two glass strips of a set of twelve, made by Gebrüder Bing, Nuremberg, Germany, featuring six fairy tales. Decalcomania, ca 1900. Published in many formats. Title on box: 'Märchenbilder, Comtes de Fees, Fairy Tales No 9275 - 12x'.
Two long glass strips featuring Hansel und Gretel made bij Ernst Plank. Serie F.
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