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A rather extensive collection of funny stories told on magic lantern slides
Part 9

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New Version of the Cork Leg.
Een nieuwe versie van de houten poot.
A set of 12 square magic lantern slides made by E.G. Wood, London. At the bottom left of each slide is a small triangular label reading  "E.G.Wood, 1 & 2 Queen St, Cheapside, London". The twelve slides tell the story of a man who had a new cork leg after his old artificial limb broke. It is clear that he needs some time to accustom himself to the new leg.

Adventures of Ally Sloper in a snowball.
Probably made by Bamforth & Co.
One slide from this comic series of magic lantern slides is missing. It is also not clear what the order of the first three slides is.
1. The philosopher abroad. 2. He stops to meditate. 3. Amid the snow he stops.
4. Children find a snow pillar. 5. And try to roll it on. 6. When lo ! a hat appears.
7. An umbrella project. 8. With which they poke and push. 9. Another shove, and lo! some shoes.
10. Which eagerly they seize. 11. And dance a jig in. 12. A general break down.
This story is also released as a series of magic lantern slides with the accompanying texts printed on the plates.
It is conspicuous that the victim now is called Tompkins.
The manufacturer is also unknown here.

A story about fishermen?
A beautifully drawn series of magic lantern slides whose title is unfortunately unknown. The story is also unclear; there is little coherence between the slides, except that almost all of them are fishing-related.

Tom Atkin's Armour.
A set of 11 magic lantern slides made by an unknown manufacturer.
Tom Atkins polishes up an armour. A mischievous boy, Billy Power, wants to play a joke and smears the just-cleaned part with blacklead when Tommy is gone for a moment. When Tom discovers this misguided joke, he gets into armour and waits for Billy to return. The boy is shocked when Tom suddenly steps off the pedestal. Tom places Billy in the doorway where he is laughed at by the passers-by.
According to the accompanying reading, this series consists of 11 magic lantern slides. Judging from this reading, slide 4 or 5 would be missing. On these slides Billy is busy with the blacklead while Tom drinks a beer.
The Sweep and the Miller.

A set of 10 square slides of 8.2 x 8.2 cm made by York and Son. A triangular label with the manufacturer's logo is present on every slide.
A chimney sweep and a miller meet and accidentally bump into each other. The sweep has a large white stain on his clothing and the miller a black one. A fight arises in which the clothing of the chimney sweep becomes whiter and the clothing of the miller becomes increasingly black. Ultimately, there is no difference anymore. Who is who? Which is which? They pick up their sweeping tools and flour bag and walk on.
1. The advance. 2. The first collision.
3. Spotted. 4. Preliminaries -- sparring
5. Printing by hand. 6. Muddled and cuddled.
7. Changing color. 8. 8.15 A.M.
9. Which is wich?
10. Parted and departed.

An amusing set of 10 hand-painted magic lantern slides in a wooden frame depicting various characters casting a shadow of themselves on a background.

The manufacturer's name CARPENTER & WESTLEY, 24 REGENT ST LONDON is embossed into the wood. The title of the record is handwritten in ink along the top edge.
The wooden frame is made of red-stained pine, sometimes used by Carpenter & Westley as a cheaper alternative to mahogany. The dimensions are 9.5 x 17.5 x 1 cm.
Queer Fish A Donkey
A Mushroom A Greedy Pig
A Prowling Cat Alderman Turtle
A Little Duck A Pump
Coming Events Cast Shadows Before Our Friend Mr Punch

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