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A rather extensive collection of funny stories told on magic lantern slides
Part 7

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A resourceful Globe trotter.
A funny set of six magic lantern slides made by York & Son, England “By permission of the 'World's Comic'.

The bashful man.
A funny set of six black and white magic lantern slides made by York & Son, England, after the story 'The Bashful Man' by Henri Mackenzie about a bashful man who accepted an invitation to dine with Sir Thomas Friendly and makes there one blunder after another.

1. The bashful man. 2. I trod on the gouty toe of Sir Thomas. 3. The library mishap with Xenophon.
4. Soup in the wrong place. 5. The soothing effect of brandy. 6. The pantomimic tableau.
3. The library mishap with Xenophon:


The humourous side of modern appliances.

Set of 12 slides measuring 83 x 83 mm, manufacturer: G.M. Mason, Southampton, England.

Picking flowers (real title and manufacturer unknown).
Dentist solide.
The firm dentist.
Visitors of this site that have a fear of the dentist are advised to omit this French series of six magic lantern slides.
Unfortunately the first slide is missing. It probably shows the arriving of the patient at the dentist's.

Slides have the American format of c. 8 x 10 cm. They are labelled with the name of the publisher: Maison de la Bonne Press, and a hand-written title of the series: Dentiste Solide.

Also from the dentist on the next magic lantern slides one could wonder if he really deserves the diploma on the wall.
Dentist - Something has got to come.
Dentist - Something did come.

Reise nach Leibzig.
The trip to Leibzich.
A funny story told in only 2 slides. They seem to me to be most effective when one of the slides is projected in mirror image. The slides are exceptionally large, 12 cm x 12 cm, and painted by hand. The manufacturer is unknown.

Mr Knowall and the Waterworks Department

A set of four slides made by York & Son, ca 1910. The source of the images is the magazine Scraps.

The British workman.

Superb set of six slides parodying the work ethic and methods of the British Workman, made by Alfred Pumphrey.
1. The man who mends the Gutters and undoes the Slates. 2. The man who mends the Slates and spoils the Garden. 3. The Gardener who does the garden and spoils the paint.
4. The Painter who spoils the Furniture. 5. The Foreman who says, Bless his soul! Ought to be ashamed of 'emselves! Disgraceful, aint it? He'll let 'em know what's what! 6. Letting them know 'what's what'.

Ice Skating Woman.
Set of three slides measuring c. 8 x 10 cm (4" x 3-1/4")


A funny set of 4 magic lantern slides, perhaps made by Bamforth, perhaps by an unknown manufacturer, 1880s.

Glass with a paper edge, dim. about 8 x 8 cm. Provided with a label with the title of the set 'Attention!'.
Attention! 1. A soldier was seated within the canteen, / Enjoying a mug of good beer
2. The officer very ungraciously sat / At one end of the seat, as you see 3. He turned to the soldier, now on the alert, / For anything that might take place 4. As soon as the order was out of his lips, / The soldier sprang up in a crack

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